"Live by God's Every Word"  Ma 4.4


FOOTNOTES -- Israel Secure Today!  

FOOTNOTES -- Israel Secure Today!




There are TWO (2) KINDS of SECURITY using the same Hebrew word (betach)

1. God-based Security is from above; consistent, persistent, reliable despite human conditions “on the ground.” It is a Divine-Shield, protecting from defeat, conquest or destruction.

2. Human-based security is from below; false-security—open to defeat, conquest, destruction—unreliable!

3. God-based security says this— "the LORD your God is He who fights for you, just as He promised you." (Joshua 23:10; "just as He promised you" refers to MANY PROMISES, eg.,  Exo 14:14; Deu 1:30; 3:22; 20:4; Neh 4:20

"While Israel's future may seem vulnerable from a human perspective (Human-based Security), Scripture proclaims that Israel's future is securely in the hands of God (God-based Security). He has predicted her return, regathering, and future regeneration (Ezekiel 36-39."

Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Charting The Bible Chronologically, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2016, p.65

 Human-based security is defined (but opposed, i.e., "not trust") in such Biblical passages as Psalm 33:17, and 44:6 which says "For I will not trust in my bow, Nor will my sword save me."
In Jeremiah 5:17 we see Human-based security specifically applied to Israel; "They will demolish with sword your fortified cities in which you trust."  It is False security.  

There are TWO (2) KINDS of God-given SECURITY

using the same Hebrew word (betach)

1. God-given MILLENNIAL-AGE Security is MATCHED by a perfect Human/National experience of eternal Security and Rest.

2. God-given CURRENT-AGE Security is a temporal Divine-protection from defeat, conquest or destruction throughout the “up and down” Human/National experiences of wars in an imperfect world.

It is a common, yet serious, error of interpretation to equate Millennial-Age Security with Current-Age Security.

This is the crux of the confusion clouding the TIMING of the Ezekiel 38 “Magog” passage. The “Magog” passage is CURRENT-AGE. For Example...

GOD-GIVEN, CURRENT-AGE Security is security from Defeat, Conquest, or Destruction, but not from Threats, Attacks, Wars;

O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.

"For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior

Isaiah 43:1-3

Note above that Israel will pass through threatening and tumultuous times and frightening and dangerous experiences, but by Divine, Current-Age Security, will survive the outcome of ultimate defeat, conquest, and destruction. Israel's Security is manifested in her Survival.

RIGHT: are TWO (2) CONTEXTUAL EXTREMES using the same Hebrew words “(betach) SECURITY” & “(shaqat) REST“

Note that BOTH passages use BOTH Words.

1. But one context is GOD-given, MILLENNIAL-AGE.

2. The other context is HUMAN-based False Security/Rest.

CONTEXT Rules! The MEANING changes!

3. The Exodus

[The Lord] smote all the firstborn in Egypt...

But He led forth His own people [Exodus from Egypt] like sheep, And guided them in the wilderness like a flock;

 And He led them safely ["(betach) secure”] so that they did not fear; But the sea engulfed their enemies.

So He brought them to His holy land...Psalms 78:51-54


While in a God-given state of safekeeping ["(betach) secure”] Israel was trapped and attacked by the Egyptians, and battled numerous enemy nations during the Exodus to the Holy Land. Note that the Psalm 78:51-54 passage covers the entire 40-year Exodus, from the first Passover, to the Red Sea, through the Wilderness, into the Holy Land--all the while under God-given "betach" Security.

 Israel had six (6) battles/wars with enemy nations DURING the 40-year-long Exodus period, which Psalm 78:51-54 describes as a period of God-given safety ["(betach) secure”].

Documented in the “Battles in the Wilderness” Chart by John Walton, Israel, DURING the Exodus period, meets enemy nations as the aggressors in three (3) and Israel as the victor in five (5) of the six (6) battles.

Chronological And Background Charts Of The Old Testament, John H. Walton, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, p.37.


No sooner was [Moses] out of Egypt than the trouble began. Amalekites attacked immediately, and a year later at Kadesh, Edomites, Moabites, Ammonites, Amorites and Midianites all joined hands to block Israel’s path to Canaan.

Halley’s Bible Handbook, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1965, p.144.


The biblical account records many battle’s during [Israel’s] wilderness years.

The Bible Almanac, James I. Packer, Merrill C. Tenney & William White, eds., Guideposts, Carmel, NY, 1980, p.308.

QUESTION: How can Israel be said to be Secure during the Great Tribulation? The Exodus teaches a lesson here.

It is said that Israel was Secure during the 40-years of the Exodus experience (Psalm 78:51-54). Yet a whole generation (several million) was judged and condemned to physically die in the wilderness during that period. And still, Israel was declared by the Lord to be Secure. The answer is that the nation was secure from defeat and destruction. Israel was Secure in its guaranteed survival as a nation.

The same will be true during the greatest of all of Israel's "tribulations," the "Great Tribulation" (Jer. 30:7; Mat. 24:21-22). The fact that God has posted the archangel Michael to "stand guard" over Israel guarantees the survival of Israel during that terrible period. (Dan. 12:1; Rev. 12:7) That is one reason that Jeremiah 16:14-16 says that the end-of-Tribulation final regathering of worldwide Jewry to the Land of Israel will be a greater miracle than the Exodus.



Security--it's meaning in the Book of Judges

Deuteronomy 12:10 foretold that Israel would be "(betach) secure” during the time of the Judges and 1 Samuel 12:11 confirms the fulfillment.

Both Security ("betach") & Rest ("shaqat") were in place during the entire turbulent & threatening period of the Judges. (1 Sam 12:9-11; in these verses,

shown BELOW, events & names can account for Othniel, Ehud, Shamgar, Deborah-Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, Samson, even Samuel, 1 Sam 7:10)        
          NOTE: See NKJ Study Bible, Radmacher, Allen, House eds., Thomas Nelson, Inc., 2007, where the sidebar references & notes for 1 Sam 12:9-11 can be   

                       traced by names and/or events to include these specific Judges,
1. 1 Sam 12:9
     Jdg 3:7 = Deborah-Barak (event=Sisera of Hazor)
     Jdg 3:31 = Shamgar (event=Philistines)
     Jdg 10:7 = Jephthah (event=Philistines)
     Jdg 13:1 = Samson (event=Philistines)
     Jdg 3:12-20 = Ehud (event=Moab)
2. 1 Sam 12:10
     Jdg 3:7 =Othiniel (event=Baals & Asheroth false gods)
3. 1 Sam 12:11

     Gideon(Jerubbaal), Barak(Bedan), Jephthah, & Samuel all specifically named (also Samuel & Philistines, 7:13)

"But they forgot the LORD their God, so He sold them into the hand of Sisera, captain of the army of Hazor,and into the hand

of the Philistines and into the hand of the king of Moab, and they fought against them. ( 1 Samuel 12:9

"And they cried out to the LORD and said, 'We have sinned because we have forsaken the LORD and have served the Baals and the Ashtaroth;

but now deliver us from the hands of our enemies,and we will serve Thee.' ( 1 Samuel 12:10

"Then the LORD sent Jerubbaal and Bedan and Jephthah and Samuel, and delivered you 

from the hands of your enemies all around, so that you lived in security. ( 1 Samuel 12:11

Rest— it’s meaning in the Book Of Judges

            1. Are the “(shaqat) rest” periods in Judges absolutely separated from the periods of oppression?

            2. Or, do the periods of oppression overlap to some extent into the periods of “(shaqat) rest”?

            3. The answer has a bearing on the meaning of "rest" in these contexts, and could clarify the meaning of “(shaqat) rest” in Ezekiel 38:11.


The Judges of Israel— “(shaqat) rest” periods which experienced an overlap of periods of oppression.

            1. The period of each Judge was first initiated by a period of oppression, followed by “REST.”

            2. Scholars agree that the sequence of some of the Judge-periods overlapped.

            3. By necessity, then, some oppression periods would begin DURING/WITHIN the “(shaqat) rest” period of the preceding Judge.

            4. Therefore the “(shaqat) rest” period of a particular Judge is "punctuated" by some degree of external enemy   

              oppression (threat, harassment, or direct military opposition).


Scholars agree that the sequence of some of the Judge-periods overlapped, which would require an overlap of "oppression" and “(shaqat) rest” periods.


"The events narrated in Judges cover a period of 410 years if viewed consecutively. Such a lengthy time does not, however, fit any accepted chronology of the early history of Israel. Consequently some of the judgeships must have overlapped."

The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 3, Judges, "Introduction: Historical Background", Frank E. Gaebelein, ed., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, p.376.


"...scholars agree that the periods of some oppressions and judgeships overlapped."

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, p.374.


"As for the period of the judges...the figures in Judges clearly involve several overlappings."

The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 1, Gleason L. Archer, "Chronology Of The Old Testament", F. E. Gaebelein, ed., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, p.363.


"Simply adding the lengths of rule of each judge with its preceding oppression give a total that cannot fit into the time between Joshua [death] and Saul [coronation]. Therefore, some oppressions and judgeships overlapped."

NIV Zondervan Study Bible, D.A. Carson, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2015, 1 Kings 14:30, p.423.


"...an overlap exists in the stories in Judges..."

The Chronology of the Old Testament, Floyd Nolen Jones, New Leaf Press, Green Forest, AR, 2005, p.73.


"...an overlapping of oppressions and victory "rests" is not entirely without precedent, for Shamgar smote the Philistine oppressors and saved Israel between the victories of Ehud and Deborah (Judges 3:31; 5:6)."

Chart of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges, John C. Whitcomb, based on Joseph W. Schmidt’s chronology, BMH Books, Third Revised Ed., Winona Lake, IN, 1965.


"...the deliverances and years of rest under the judges in distinct parts of the Land included overlaps, so that some of them did not run consecutively but rather concurrently..."

The MacArthur Study Bible, John MacArthur, ed., Word Publishing, Nashville, TN, 1997, p.335.


"many of the judges careers may have overlapped."

The Bible Almanac, James I. Packer, Merrill C. Tenney & William White, eds., Guideposts, Carmel, NY, 1980, p.52.


"However, there were probably times when judgeships overlapped...."

Charting The Bible Chronologically, Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2016, p. 73, Chart p.75.


6. According to most Old Testament Chronologies, Canaanite oppression (20 years under Jabin, (Judges 4:2-3) overlapped Judge Ehud's “(shaqat) rest” period. 


         Chart of Old Testament Patriarchs and Judges, John C. Whitcomb, based on Joseph W. Schmidt’s chronology, BMH Books, Third Revised Ed., Winona Lake, IN, 1965.


            Chronological And Background Charts Of The Old Testament, John H. Walton, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1994, p.26.


            The Chronology of the Old Testament, Floyd Nolen Jones, New Leaf Press, Green Forest, AR, 2005, p.278.


            The Bible Almanac, James I. Packer, Merrill C. Tenney & William White, eds., Guideposts, Carmel, NY, 1980, p.52.


            The MacArthur Study Bible, John MacArthur, ed., Word Publishing, Nashville, TN, 1997, chart p.2-3.


            Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary, Earl Radmacher, Ronald B. Allen, H.Wayne House, eds., Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1999, chart p.304.

            Ariel's Bible Commentary, The Book of Judges and Ruth, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX, 2007, chart p.7.


            Smith's Bible Dictionary, William Smith, revised ed., Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA, 2000, "Book of Judges", chart p.330.


            Charting The Bible Chronologically, Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2016, Charts p.74-75.


            The Plan, The Chronology Of God’s Word From Creation To Completion, Jeff Swanson, The Plan Bible, Tulsa, OK, 2011, p.28.

7.  Shamgar the Judge delivered Israel from the Philistines DURING part of the “(shaqat) rest” period of Ehud the Judge (Judges 3:30-4:1). Thus Philistine oppression overlapped part of Ehud's 80-year "Rest" period.


Shamgar [Judges 3:31] may have been a contemporary of Ehud, since the latter's death is not cited till 4:1.

The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 3, Frank E. Gaebelein, ed., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, p.402.


Shamgar's judgeship appears to have transpired after Ehud's deliverance but before his death (the historical notice in 4:1 continues after Ehud's death rather than after Shamgar's).

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, p.387.


The dating of this chapter with the judgeship of Ehud suggests that Shamgar's deliverance of Israel (3:31) occurred during rather than after Ehud's period of leadership.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, p.388.


The word ['shophet', a 'savior, not a judge'] also connects Shamgar with Ehud...His judgeship may have transpired after Ehud's deliverance, but before Ehud's death, which is why the historical notation in Judges 4:1 continues after the death of Ehud, not Shamgar. So it might very well be that Shamgar's actions occurred within the period of Ehud's judgeship. The next section [Judges 5:6] shows that he was a contemporary of Barak and Deborah and so may have appeared about the same time that the Philistines were beginning to settle in the coastal plain. Thus, Deborah and Barak are viewed as following Ehud, not Shamgar.

Ariel's Bible Commentary, The Book of Judges and Ruth, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX, 2007, p.60.


[Judges 4:1] Not when Shamgar was dead, but when Ehud was dead, again implying that the Shamgar "saviorhood" was within the period of Ehud. This circumstantial clause means that it was Ehud who kept them from idolatry, but now that he was dead, all restraints were gone.

Ariel's Bible Commentary, The Book of Judges and Ruth, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX, 2007, p.61.


Verse 6 describes the situation in the Land prior to the battle. The timing was: "In the days of Shamgar the son of Anath, In the days of Jael." Shamgar and Jael are viewed as contemporaries, which further demonstrates that Shamgar's judgeship came within the period of Ehud... the situation was that of a total destruction of communication and trade: "the highways were unoccupied, and the travelers walked through byways."

Ariel's Bible Commentary, The Book of Judges and Ruth, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX, 2007, p.72.


The six hundred may be Shamgar's lifetime total, and not the result of a one-time battle.

Ariel's Bible Commentary, The Book of Judges and Ruth, Arnold Fruchtenbaum, Ariel Ministries, San Antonio, TX, 2007, p.60.

Thus continuous Philistine oppression overlapped part of Ehud's 80-year "Rest" period.

Continuous war with the Philistines would have overlapped the periods of “(shaqat) rest” during the times of the Judges.

“...the invasion of the Philistines [occurred] in the early twelfth century BC. The Israelites were almost continuously at war with the Philistines for the next two centuries [the times of the Judges] until David finally subdued this troublesome adversary once and for all.”

Archaeological Study Bible, Gordon-Cornwell Theological Seminary, Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2005, p.344.

Constant threats and military conflicts would have overlapped the periods of “(shaqat) rest” during the Judges era.


These times [of the Judges] were difficult. The Israelites were constantly being invaded and harassed. But when circumstances looked most hopeless, the people cried out to God in repentance, and He delivered them (Judges 2:11-19).

Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary, Earl Radmacher, Ronald B. Allen, H.Wayne House, eds., Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1999, 2 Chronicles 15:1-5, p.547.


“...[Israel was in] great turmoil and distress, such as they had experienced in the past, probably in the time of the Judges.”

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, 2 Chronicles 15:1-7, p.631.


[“no peace” during Judges period] Beside the dangers of war, the continual perils of robbery and crime plagued [Israel], a point expressly made in the Song of Deborah (Judges 5:6-7).

NKJV Study Bible, Earl Radmacher, Ronald Allen & Wayne House, eds.,Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2007, 2 Chronicles 15:3-5, , p.680.

8.  The periods of “(shaqat) rest” during the times of the Judges refer to “rest from war.”

This very phrase is used in Joshua to describe Israel’s “rest (shaqat) from war” after taking the land from the Canaanites. (Joshua 11:23; 14:15; see also Deuteronomy 12:10)


“This Hebrew word [shaqat, “rest”] too is used of the aftermath of victory…” [the author specifically cites examples of the “rest” periods in Judges 3:11; 5:31; 8:28].”

Expository Dictionary Of Bible Words, Lawrence O. Richards, Zondervan Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985, p.524.

The Graph to the RIGHT shows the use of "shaqat Rest" in The Judges. See Note#1 above.

9.   Judean king Asa’s period of “(shaqat) rest” was tempered by border and cold wars with Israel to the north. 1 Kings 15:16, 32 & 2 Chronicles 14:1-8

Throughout [Baasha's] 24-year reign (909-886 BC) this king of the northern tribe of Israel waged war with Asa [8 of the 10 years of “rest /shaqat)”; 911-901] .

NIV Zondervan Study Bible, D.A. Carson, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2015, 1 Kings 15:16, p.634.


This [1 Kings 15:31-32] ...again calls attention to the more or less continual war between the two kingdoms [Asa/Judah & Baasha/Israel].

HCSB Study Bible, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2010, p.582.

That is (1 Kg 15:32), there was a constant spirit of hostility kept up between the two kingdoms, and no doubt frequent skirmishing between the bordering parties; but there was no open war till Baasha king of Israel began to build Ramah [2 Ch 15:19]...

The New Treasury Of Scripture Knowledge, Jerome H. Smith, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1992, p.385.

Baasha king of Israel (909-886 BC) was a perennial enemy of Asa.

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, p.519.


There were periods of peace between the two nations...But this [Asa and Baasha, 1 Kg 15:16] was a period of warfare, particularly in the border areas.

NKJV Study Bible, Earl Radmacher, Ronald Allen & Wayne House, eds.,Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2007, p.548.


Border skirmishes between Judah and Israel continue [from 931 BC] for a half century [through Asa's reign, 1 Kg 15:16,32].

NIV Zondervan Study Bible, D.A. Carson, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2015, 1 Kings 14:30, p.633.


1 Kings 15:16 "war between Asa and Baasha...throughout their reigns"—A reference to the chronic hostile relations that had existed ever since the division of the kingdom, rather than to full-scale combat

The NIV Study Bible, Kenneth Barker, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985, 1 Kings 15:16, p.505.


1 Kings 15:16..."the border skirmishes [between Asa and Baasha] became war"...

HCSB Study Bible, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2010, p.580.


Nine years of this period [of rest] overlapped the reign of Baasha in Israel (909-886). First Kings 15:16 speaks of war between these two rulers "all their days"...[2 Ch 14:6 referring] to Asa's building up "the fortified cities of Judah"...suggests a kind of cold war with Baasha.

The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 4, Frank E. Gaebelein, ed., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, p.486.

10. King Asa fortified Judea and raised up a large army DURING his “(shaqat) rest” period: Was it because there were no enemies, dangers or threats that Asa built up an "ARMED CAMP" state of readiness?

                                    (2 Chronicles 14:6-8)

Asa used these ten years [of peace "shaqat Rest"] wisely...securing the defenses of the country and strengthening the armed forces...

The Expositor's Bible Commentary, Vol. 4, Frank E. Gaebelein, ed., Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1992, p.128.


During this time of rest ["shaqat Rest"], Asa fortified his cities and gathered a large army.

Believer's Bible Commentary, William MacDonald, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1992, p.452.

The first ten years of [Asa's] reign his kingdom enjoyed peace ["shaqat Rest"], which Asa utilized in fortifying his frontier cities and raising an army...

Unger's Bible Dictionary, Merrill F. Unger, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1966, p.95.


Militarily Asa refortified Judah's defensive posts (2 Ch 6:6-7)...Asa raised an army...This he did perhaps in anticipation of the invasion by Zerah the Cushite...

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, p.631.


Encouraged by the time of peace ["shaqat Rest"], Asa set about redoing the fortifications throughout the land.

HCSB Study Bible, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2010, p.715.

Solomon also built up an "ARMED CAMP" state of readiness during his reign of "betach Security".

1 Kgs 4:25 & 2 Chr. 8:3-6

“...Solomon began his conquest of foreign states, commencing with the Aramean city of Hamath Zobah, almost 300 miles north of Jerusalem. He then refortified [numerous cities]…”

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, 2 Chronicles 8:3-6, p.509.

11. When Israel “lived in safety ["(betach) secure”] “all the days of Solomon” there was active military opposition from Edom, and from Damascus “all the days of Solomon”.   1 Kings 4:25 & 11:25

“Rezon would later become king of Damascus and his people would remain a constant threat to Israel.

NKJV Study Bible, Earl Radmacher, Ronald Allen & Wayne House, eds.,Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2007, 1 Kings 11:23-25, p.540.


“Rezon, [the] conqueror and ruler of Damascus [was] hostile toward Israel: A persistent threatening attitude too serious to ignore.

NIV Zondervan Study Bible, D.A. Carson, ed., Zondervan, Grand Rapids, MI, 2015, 1 Kings 11:25, p.626.


God began to weaken Solomon so that his empire and most of his kingdom would be lost at his death...by providential intervention in normal trends (threats and adversity from Hadad/Edom and Rezon/Damascus]...Again, this situation developed while Solomon ruled.

HCSB Study Bible, Holman Bible Publishers, Nashville, TN, 2010, 1 Kings 11:18-25, p.572.

“[Hadad the Edomite] gave great trouble to Israel.”

The MacArthur Study Bible, John MacArthur, ed., Word Publishing, Nashville, TN, 1997, 1 Kings 11:21, p.492.

“[Solomon] was fortifying his borders to secure his kingdom from invasion.”

The MacArthur Study Bible, John MacArthur, ed., Word Publishing, Nashville, TN, 1997, 2 Chronicles 8:3-6, p.606.


“Rezon would later become king of Damascus [during Solomon’s reign] and his people would remain a constant threat to Israel.”

Nelson's New Illustrated Bible Commentary, Earl Radmacher, Ronald B. Allen, H.Wayne House, eds., Thomas Nelson, Inc., Nashville, TN, 1999, 1 Kings 11:23-25, p.443.


Apparently [Hadad/Edom] caused trouble for Solomon militarily (1 Kings 11:25).

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, 1 Kings 11:14-22, p.509.


“...Solomon began his conquest of foreign states, commencing with the Aramean city of Hamath Zobah, almost 300 miles north of Jerusalem. He then refortified [numerous cities]…”

The Bible Knowledge Commentary, John F. Walvoord & Roy B. Zuck, eds., Victor Books, Wheaton, IL, 1985, 2 Chronicles 8:3-6, p.509.


“Little by little Rezon [Damascus] became an increasing threat as he dominated the trade routes to the East.”

The Wycliffe Bible Commentary, Charles F. Pfeiffer and Everett F. Harrison, eds., Moody Press, Chicago, 1962, 1 Kings 11:14-28, p.322.


“[Hadad/Edom] began military operations against Solomon from the south…[Rezon/Damascus] became a military peril to Solomon from the north.”

Believer's Bible Commentary, William MacDonald, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1992, 1 Kings 11:14-25, p.368.


“From his position at Damascus Rezon harassed the kingdom of Solomon during the latter part of his reign.”

Unger's Bible Dictionary, Merrill F. Unger, Moody Press, Chicago, IL, 1966, p.926.


“The revolt of Rezon of Damascus [meant that] ...Not only was the Southern part of the land stripped away by Hadad’s revolt; the Aramaean region dominated by Damascus also rebelled. Solomon’s kingdom is being whittled away.”

The New Bible Commentary, Guthrie, Motyer, Stibbs, and Wiseman, eds., Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., Grand Rapids, MI, 1970, 1 Kings 11:23-25, p.336.

“Rezon [Damascus]—He harassed the kingdom of Solomon during his whole reign. (BC 1043-975).”

Smith's Bible Dictionary, William Smith, revised ed., Hendrickson Publishers, Peabody, MA, 2000, "Rezon", p.563.


“Solomon’s reign is not wholly trouble-free. In the south there is trouble from Hadad of Edom...in the north from Rezon of Damascus…”

Eerdman’s Handbook To The Bible, David Alexander, ed., Eerdman’s Publishing, Grand Rapids, MI, 1976, p.262.


Though Solomon held the 12 tribes under his control all through his long reign, as time went on, his empire began to disintegrate.

Charting The Bible Chronologically, Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2016, p.77.

12. Israel's Miraculous Survival: Proof of "betach" Security!



The modern history of Israel has been one of constant struggle and miraculous interventions. Against all odds, Israel won the War of Independence when she was attacked by the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Iraq. In 1967, Israel won a stunning military victory over Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in the Six-Day War, recapturing the city of Jerusalem for the first time since the Roman era. In 1973, Israel again was victorious in the three-week-long Yom Kippur War...Scripture proclaims that Israel's future is securely in the hands of God.

Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Charting The Bible Chronologically, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, OR, 2016, p.65


The people and land of Israel, at the time of the invasion, are described as those who have been “gathered from many nations” to a land described as having previously “been a continual waste.” This land is “now inhabited,” was “restored from the sword [foreign domination],” and is now “living securely” (vv.11, 14) with enviable economic resources (vv. 12-13).
All these conditions describe the present state of Israel since 1967 when it occupied the “mountains of Israel (vv. 8, 21; 39:2-3, 17-19).

Randall Price, Ezekiel 38-39, The Popular Bible Prophecy Commentary, ed. LaHaye & Hindson, p.193.

The Arab’s drive to push the Jewish population into the sea has never succeeded--and it will not because God remains faithful to his promises to protect his chosen people

...He will defend and preserve the remnant of Israel...”

Zola Levitt (with Lawrence Ford), Israel At Ground Zero in Prophecy At Ground Zero, William T. James, ed., Starburst Publishers, 2002, p. 31, 40.

Against impossible odds, and following 5 wars of aggression against it, the nation survived. One has to call these wars, “miracle wars.” God spared His own!... Throughout it all, Israel survived and even prospered.
How can this not be the hand of the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob?”

Mal Couch, Revelation Hoofbeats, Ron J. Bigalke, ed., Xulon Press, 2003,  “Controversy Over Prophetic Fulfillment, p. 324.

The modern history of Israel has been one of constant struggle and miraculous interventions. Against all odds, Israel won the War of Independence when she was attacked by the combined armies of Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon, and Iraq [1948]. In 1967, Israel won a stunning military victory over Egypt, Syria, and Jordan in the Six-Day War, recapturing the city of Jerusalem for the first time since the Roman era. In 1973, Israel again was victorious in the three-week-long Yom Kippur War, taking possession of the Golan Heights. In 1991, during the first Gulf War, Iraq launched 42 SCUD missiles at Israel during the time the US-led coalition drove Iraq out of occupied Kuwait. In 2014, Palestinian militants in Gaza fired more than 4500 rockets at Israel. In response, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge with targeted air strikes that destroyed dozens of Palestinian "invasion tunnels" that had been dug underground at the Israeli border.
While Israel's future may seem vulnerable from a human perspective, Scripture proclaims that Israel's future is securely in the hands of God.

Ed Hindson & Thomas Ice, Charting The Bible Chronologically, Harvest House Publishers, Eugene, Oregon, 2016, p. 65.

 We are in danger of incorrectly becoming accustomed to the events in and around Israel, and forgetting how miraculously the Jewish state emerged in 1948 and how it asserted itself against an overwhelming number of enemies.

The blindness of Christianity to the action of God in Israel is a sad chapter.

Johannes Pflaum, God’s Miracle of Israel and the Christian Life (cover story), News From Israel, Midnight Call Ministries, West Columbia, SC, W. Malgo, founder, Arno Froese, editor, November, 2018, p. 10.  

 That the present day nation of Israel is 70 years old is a divine miracle!
News From Israel, Midnight Call Ministries, West Columbia, SC, W. Malgo, founder, Arno Froese, editor, November, 2018, p. 11.  

In 1948, Israel was allotted their present-day territory...this small oil-barren strip of mostly desert surrounded by large oil-rich nations prospered by bod's grace into one of the world's leading economic and military powers. Israel has survived relentless terroristic attacks, bombings, and wars, yet she stands today as a testimony to God's unrelenting grace.

Charlie Bing, Grace Notes #71, Grace Life Ministries, p. 2.

But now, thus says the LORD, your Creator, O Jacob, And He who formed you, O Israel, "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!

"When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they will not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be scorched, Nor will the flame burn you.                

(Isaiah 43:1-2

"...in the latter years you will come into the land ... gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel ...and they are living securely, all of them.     (Ezekiel 38:8

On May 14, 1948, the Jewish state was proclaimed, and the Arabs launched an all-out war to destroy it. And war it has been ever since...The Arab goal will never be achieved. The Bible says that once the Jews are re-established in the land, they will never be rooted up again (Amos 9:15). ... God promises that He will intervene and make the Arab lands a desolation (Ezekiel 35:15). 

David Reagan, God’s Plan For The Ages, Lamb & Lion Ministries ,2005 p.317

                                    The Miracle Wars of Israel's Security continue EVEN THROUGH the Great Tribulation

The Jewish nation cannot be defeated, not then [days of Esther] and not today, because in each instance it is about the appearance of the Messiah, back then as well as today… God will help the Jews in any case, even through the judgments which He will yet let come upon the nation. 

(Norbert Lieth, News From Israel magazine, June 2017, Midnight Call Ministries, Lexington, SC, p.16-17)  

                 (Referring to Eze 38:8, Norbert Lieth writes "Israel is restored from centuries of destruction and persecution. It is gathered from many peoples. It                 lives in relative safety. The population is secure within its own framework, in its own state, with its own security measures."  [emphasis mine ]

                                     (Norbert Lieth, News From Israel magazine, September, 2023, Midnight Call Ministries, Lexington, SC, p.10. )

Then [at Second Coming of Christ], as the remnant of surviving Jews marvel at their miraculous deliverance once again, their unbelief will turn to saving faith when they look upon Him whom they have pierced (Zechariah 12:10-13:1; emphasis mine). 

                Tim Moore, “The Yom Kippur War, Lamplighter Magazine, June-August 2017, Lamb & Lion Ministries, p.14.

DAVID REAGAN: "He will protect them from now through the end of the Tribulation"

Remember too, that Psalm 121:4 says that He who keeps Israel neither slumbers nor sleeps. They are His "treasure," and He will protect them from now through the end of the Tribulation, assuring their continuing existence until that day at the end of the Tribulation when they will "look on Him whom they have pierced" and receive Yeshua as their Messiah (Zechariah 12:10; emphasis mine).

                David Reagan, Wars Of The End Times, Lamb & Lion Ministries, 2023, p. 39.


Is Israel not secure in the Hands of the God who has miraculously delivered them through the Wars of 1948, 1956, 1967, 1973... etc., Iron Dome, etc., and will continue to do so EVEN THROUGH THE END OF THE TRIBULATION ?
How can they not be secure?


According to Ezekiel 38:8 God miraculously delivered Israel    

            ...out from the nations   

            ...into the land of Israel   

            ...onto the mountains of Israel   

            ...out of the hands of monstrous enemies in 6 Wars

So how can we say Israel is not secure now?

Israel IS "living Securely"  Today. That is a requisite condition for the "Magog" Invasion of Ezekiel 38-39.
God's record of Divine protection over Israel since 1948 until today says "Yes, Israel is Secure Today, and has been "living securely" for 67 years!"

The assertion that Israel is NOT Secure today is the "Human-Security View" (see Footnote #2 above)

            1. The Human-Security View says,

"CONSTANTLY, Israel has been in Wars, Attacked, Threatened, Terrorized, etc. This is NOT Security."

The fact that Israel IS Secure today is affirmed by the God-Security View.

            2. The God-Security View says,

CONSTANTLY, God has Miraculously Delivered Israel from Defeat and given Israel Victory in every War, Attack, Threat and Terror, etc. This IS Security. In God's protective Hand, how can Israel NOT be Secure?"

Note that the same evidence (Wars)  that says Israel is UN-Secure (Human-Security View) is actually PROOF (Victorious Wars) that Israel is ‘MIRACLE-Secure' (God-Security View). When God SECURES Israel, all human enemies fall, and all human perspectives fail.

The Ezekiel 38 passage supports the God-Security View.

            Verse 8 says in the last days God will, first, return Israel to the Land of Israel, second, to the "Mountains of Israel (Jerusalem)", and third,

            Israel will be Secure. All three promises are God's doing.

            1. The first promise was fulfilled in 1948—God’s doing.

            2. The second promise was fulfilled in 1967—God’s doing.

            3. The third promise is fulfilled because, CONSTANTLY (for 67 years), God has Miraculously delivered Israel from Defeat and given Israel Victory in every War, Attack, Threat and Terror, etc.—God’s doing!

These promises are "God's doing." In verse 8,

            1. Magog is "summoned in the latter years" BY WHO?...

            2. and Israel is "gathered from many nations" BY WHO?...

            3. and Israel is "brought out from the nations" BY WHO?...

            4. and Israel is "living securely"-- fulfilled BY WHO?

The context itself argues that the “living securely” phrase is a statement of fact—a declaration of "God's doing" just as are the other declarative statements in verse 8. ALL of verse 8 is "God's doing." That is more than enough to confirm that TODAY Israel is SECURE.

13. Ezekiel 38:11s "unwalled villages"

Ezekiel 38:11 says that when the Magog (Russian-Islamic) Invasion occurs, Israel will be “dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.”  Though used literally of ancient defenses (cities were protected by "Walls" and "Gates" were "Barred" shut) this expression is figurative here, meaning "vulnerable” ("unwalled") because the immediate context uses figurative military terms such as "swords and shields." We see similar usage in Jeremiah 5:18; "They will demolish with the sword [offensive weapon] your fortified cities ["walled" defensive system] in which you trust." Thus, "walls and barred gates" are also military terms.
A "walled" village was a fortified city. A fortified city was a protected city--a fortress. Thus, a fortified city was a defense system. Confirmation of the military description is the use of "barred-gates." A gate is simply a controlled passageway into the walled city. But a "barred" gate keeps the enemy out--it is a protection, a defense, and thus contributes to our understanding that a "walled city" and a "barred-gate" was a military defense system in the ancient world. But when updated to our modern world, the once literal "wall and barred-gate" become figurative for a modern defense system---for example a defensive missile "wall" and a "barred gateway" of border troops.
In Ezekiel 38, Israel, ignoring God's perpetual promise of protection and security, will resort to "self" security. The stage is set when Magog will view Israel as “unwalled”-- unprotected and vulnerable. Russia (Magog) will be unaware of Israel’s God and God-Security!  

RIGHT ABOVE: #1) Today, missile-walls have replaced stone-walls as Defense Systems. #2) Magog believes Israel's missile-wall is breachable, effectively making Israel, in ancient terms, "unwalled."

Russia can breach Israel’s Self-Security—And Knows It!
The perspective given in Ezekiel 38 on Israel’s “security” is the perspective of Russia . They see Israel’s security-”walls” wide open for a breach, for the passage tells us what Russia thinks when it says “things [shall] come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought, And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages…”  (Eze. 38:10-11).  
If the Russian-Islamic invaders really believed that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) was an impenetrable wall of defense, with unbreachable “gates” of security, then of course they wouldn’t attack in the first place! But the prophecy says that then “shall things come into thy mind” and they will view Israel as “dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates.”


            1. "unwalled” and    

            2. “living securely” at the time of the invasion. (Eze.38:8, 11) Is that the case today?

NO “WALLS, NO GATES, NO BARS” In ancient times (even in the Middle Ages) cities were often built surrounded by a massive wall with gates that were barred shut. This was their security system. Ezekiel 38:11 says that when Magog invades Israel it will be a “land of unwalled villages...without walls, and having no bars or gates.” Literal stone walls? Unarmed?...

ARE THE WALLS LITERAL OR SYMBOLIC? In ancient times, as the primary security system, walls were very literal. But then we also see “swords,” “shields,” an “army of horses & horsemen,” etc., in Ezekiel 38-39. (Eze.38:4)


Note the Chart BELOW:   

            1. In Ezekiel’s day a literal “walled-city” described a literal walled city. The walls were a fortification for military DEFENSE.

            2. Likewise, a literal “sword” spoke of a literal attack weapon—military OFFENSE.

 Ezekiel 38-39 uses a variety of ancient military terms in describing TODAY’S MODERN MILITARY. (38:4, 11, 15, 20, 21; 39:3, 20, 23) We know this because these terms are set in the context of an “army” (38:4) and “troops” (39:4) with “weapons” (39:9) which attack Israel “in the latter years...in the last days.” (38:8,16)
Therefore, just as a “sword” was a weapon of OFFENSE, today a missile or mortar would be its modern counterpart. Likewise, just as a “wall” was a fortification of DEFENSE, today its equivalent would be a missile defense system.
When “unwalled...gates...bars” are used in the same context as “swords...bow & arrows...horses & chariots,” then the walls/gates/bars refer to MILITARY DEFENSE SYSTEMS.
 As such, the terms “unwalled...gates…bars” refer to ISRAEL’S MILITARY DEFENSE SYSTEM, just as “swords” etc., refer to RUSSIA’S MILITARY OFFENSE SYSTEM.   

            “and they are living securely ...and you will say,

             I will go up against the land of unwalled villages...    

             without walls, and having no bars or gates”    


QUESTION: Ezekiel 38:11 says that Israel will be “unwalled” when the Russian-Islamic invasion occurs. But what about the massive 400-mile long security wall to protect against jihadist-Muslims entering Israel today? Isn’t that a military defense system, & thus Israel is “walled”?
ANSWER:  We’ve already shown that the “unwalled villages” (38:11) in the context of the passage refers to modern military defenses (a missile “wall,” above), not to a literal brick & mortar wall. One might ask, “Did you bring your horse & buggy?” Another answers, “Yes, my car is outside.” In 1880 “horse & buggy” was a literal term for literal transportation. Today “horse & buggy” is symbolic, but still refers to literal transportation. In the same way, “walled city” today has become a symbol for a literal military defense system. Furthermore, the passage makes no sense with a literal “wall.” Today’s mega-mile wall, though offering some protection against roving terrorists, offers no protection whatsoever against a massive military assault like that described in Eze. 38-39—"you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops." (Eze.38:9)
Even a lay-person can figure out that a modern-equipped military force would simply blow a hole in the wall with one shot from a tank, or bomb it to smithereens with two or three well placed aircraft-missile explosives. When the Russian think-tank says “ 'I will go up against the land of unwalled villages” (38:10-11) they are not concerned about a 20-foot high concrete wall. Rather, Israel’s modern MISSILE DEFENSE “WALL” the Russians see as breechable (“unwalled”). But God’s invisible “WALL OF FIRE” is the wall they don’t see. (Zec. 2:5; Exo.14:24)

THE EVIDENCE OF GOD’S ’RHETORICAL’ QUESTION God poses a purely rhetorical question ( a question that is asked in order to make a point rather than to elicit an answer). He asks Russia, "On that day when My people Israel are living securely, will you not know it?” (38:14) If Russia’s answer was “Yes,” they would not attack Israel. Instead, they do not believe Israel is secure. Russia believes Israel is “unwalled”—defenseless—against Russia’s “plan.” (38:10-11) But that is God’s point. The question is, “will you not KNOW” Israel is secure. Russia will not KNOW it because it is God-Based Security, and Russia is blind to it. Russia know nothing of God’s WALL—”’For I,’ declares the Lord, ‘will be a WALL OF FIRE around [Israel]’...” (Zec. 2:5)

But in Russia’s “THOUGHTS” they believe Israel is effectively unfortified (“UNWALLED”) against the Russian-Iranian-Islamic forces.
In Russia’s “MIND” they perceive Israel’s defense system as defenseless (“NO BARS, NO GATES”) against Russia’s military machine.
In Russia’s “PLAN” they are certain that Israel’s Iron-Dome Missile Defense “Wall” is actually breachable (WITHOUT WALLS). Russia is treating Israel as though they were “UNWALLED.”

The proof that this is Russia’s perspective is that the “thoughts in [Russia’s] mind” lead to a “plan,” which then leads to action— the Russian-Islamic Invasion of Israel. Russia does not believe that Israel is secure. They would not mount an attack if they believed Israel was—in fact—Self-Secure. But they DO mount an attack, which proves that an “unwalled” Israel is Russia’s ACTUAL Perspective. Still, in Ezekiel 38-39, Russia is blind to the reality of the situation—they are blind to God-Based Security.

14. PSALM 83: a Biblically-tight Scenario

BELOW: Notice how all of the nations which immediately surround Israel, referred to as the "inner-ring missing nations" of Ezekiel 38-39 in the Psalm 83 Theory, can be accounted for in the three (3) End-Time passages of Ezekiel 38, Zechariah 12 and Isaiah 11 by a careful adherence to what the Bible actually says. See The Psalm 83 Prophecy VS The Psalm 83 Theory. 


Note below the contradictions introduced by the Psalm 83 popular Theory. One of today's best prophecy teachers--sound and solid in his widespread teaching and many books, held the position in his 2005 book that Israel IS secure today, living in "unwalled cities" (see quotation below). The fact that his position has changed since then, as seen in his 2017 book (below), is really not an issue to contend with--people do change their mind.

But in the 2017 book confusion is introduced by his adoption of the Psalm 83 Theory. Over and over, he correctly affirms God's Hand on Israel's miraculous survival since 1948, saying that "God's supernatural protection will continue for the immediate future," but then concludes with the contradictory statement that " Israel exists today in a sea of insecurity."

Israel IS Secure Today ???

            2005 Book
Ezekiel says the Russian invasion of Israel will occur at a time when the Jews are living in unwalled cities as is the case today (Ezekiel 38:11).

            2017 Book

Overall, the [War Of Independence, 1948] resulted in an incredible, miraculous victory for Israel … The [Six-Day War, 1967] victory had been achieved with lightning swiftness, in only six days, proving to be one of the most miraculous wars in history...I am convinced that the examples cited above (Israel’s miraculous victories) prove beyond a doubt that God has His hand on Israel, protecting the Jewish people from assault after assault, and enabling them to achieve miraculous victories—all in fulfillment of Bible prophecies about Israel in the end times. Nor can there be any doubt that God’s supernatural protection will continue for the immediate future... And [victory] has certainly been the case in all the wars Israel has fought since the establishment of the state. And what a miracle this has been!...


Israel Is NOT Secure Today ???

            2017 Book

Ezekiel’s prophecy says the Russian invasion will take place at a time when Israel is living “securely” and “without walls” (Eze. 38:11, 14) That certainly is not the current situation. Israel exists today in a sea of insecurity, and it has a security wall that meanders down the center of the nation for nearly 400 miles.

MY NOTE: How can it be said that "God has His hand on Israel, protecting the Jewish people," leading to miracle-victories, and that "God's supernatural protection will continue for the immediate future," and then conclude with "Israel exists today in a sea of insecurity"? This is the contradiction introduced by a prophetic theory.


                                                                                                                                                                 (I have 'bracketed' the terms into the article below)

The march of Russia (Gog and Magog from the far north; Ezek 38:1-2, 15) will come at a time when Israel is dwelling in safety and without walls (vv. 8-11). This isn't the case today. Although "Shalom" is the common greeting in Israel, true peace is still a pipe dream. Large security walls, electric fences, military checkpoints, a large army contingent, and continuous military standby are part of everyday life in Israel. Additionally, terrorist plots are uncovered (and prevented, for the most part) on a daily basis. Yes, people are talking about peace a great deal (1 Thess 5:3) and making peace treaties with more and more nations. Nevertheless, Israel's peace is threatened daily, and powerful enemies (first and foremost Iran, Hamas, Fatah, the Islamic State, and others) are denying Israel's right to exist. Because of this, the march of Gog and Magog (Ezek 38-39) couldn't be taking place today. This future march is the deployment of a great army and many peoples led by Gog (Ezek 38:14-23), an enemy from the far north (v.15). It will occur when Israel is gathered from among the Gentiles one last time. Biblical prophecy shows that Israel will be scattered again during the Great Tribulation after the Rapture of the Church, but will be preserved in a safe place by God himself. After that, the remnant of the Jews will return to Israel and dwell in complete safety (cf. Rev 12:6; Ezek 38:8; Mark 13:27) [ MILLENNIAL-AGE SECURITY ]. The attack of God and Magog will then threaten this safety, but the Lord Himself will fight for Israel and judge Gog and Magog (Ezek 39:11). This victory will be the final victory of the Lamb, Jesus Christ, over His enemies. Then the Lord, as King of Israel, will establish His Millennial Kingdom. This will forever change Israel's fate (Ezek 39:25-28), for God Himself will be Israel's guarantee of security. He will pour out His Spirit on Israel and never hide His face from His people again (v.29).
The March of Gog and Magog in Revelation
We see another March of Gog and Magog at the end of the book of Revelation. This deployment, however, must be distinguished from the march of Gog and Magog in the book of Ezekiel. The two are completely separate events. One will take place at the beginning of the Millennium and will be the final challenging of God's rule on earth. The other event will take place at the end of God's reign on earth. It is the very last rebellion of Satan and his accomplices. God's fire will end their rebellion and irrevocably seal Satan's fate (Rev 20:7-15). [ My NOTE: Since only Saved people—and NO Weapons — enter the Millennial Kingdom of Christ, the "TIMING" cannot occur at the beginning of the Millennium as proposed in this article; SEE HERE FOR MORE ON "TIMING" ]
(3001/16-17,  January 2023)

More CONFUSION is Introduced when the same publication as above — JUST ONE MONTH LATER — promised that Israel IS Secure TODAY when they lead a tour there... and in fact they are—since Today is CURRENT-AGE SECURITY, not MILLENNIAL-AGE SECURITY—but it clearly contradicts the Magog-Timing article above. Below is the statement...                                                                                                              
                     [Referencing a recent study, one prophetic ministry leader writes]... "Israel is the fifth safest among the 50 countries in the world most widely visited by tourists.
     Turns out that the question that many first-time visitors to Israel are asked by friends and relatives when they reveal their plans to visit—'Are you sure it's safe?' — is misplaced. Not only is it safe, but it is very safe...
There is a breath of relief when landing in the Promised Land, and sometimes an undefined fear when landing back home.
...it was repeatedly experienced that when just one terrorist act occurred in Israel, 20-30 percent of participants — some of whom had paid their deposit — cancelled. We always responded that your country (the USA in particular) is significantly more dangerous than Israel."

(3001/19-20, February 2023 )

(Unless otherwise noted, all emphasis in all above footnotes are mine.)