of Babylon the "GREAT CITY"
This whole 7-part series is Original Research using primary and secondary sources. copyright bibleprophecyaswritten 2020
( 7-Part Series )
Babylon of Chaldea has Survived, slowly rebuilding for a thousand years, awaiting its destiny
as the Throneroom of the Antichrist, the City Chosen by HIM to enforce HIS Authority and HIS Ownership
of the Global Sovereignty, Wealth, and Trade ceded "Overnight" to HIM by the Nations;
Babylon awaits its destiny as "the Great City"—perishing with its Final Fall at the Return of Christ.
(Jeremiah 50-51; Revelation 17-18).
(The "Great" in the "Great City" is the result of its status as the base-city
for the "Great Authority" of its chief occupant, the Antichrist)
"the kings of the earth...saying ... ' the great city, Babylon, the strong city! ... such great wealth '
... all the nations were deceived by your sorcery." (Revelation 18:9-10, 17, 23)
The 2021 Mid-America Prophecy Conference was a great success (after having to cancel the 2020 Conference due to COVID).
Here is the message I gave at the 2021 Conference.
Why Babylon cannot be Babylon (according to the popular understanding)
It would take years for Babylon to be rebuilt into a Giant city as the hub of world trade and power.
Therefore, “Babylon” must be a, Super-Large, Super-Rich, ALREADY EXISTING city with a DIFFERENT NAME.
That’s called REPLACEMENT!
BELOW: The common understanding of why, in the Bible prophecies, Babylon must be "replaced" by another city .

It would seem impossible that a relic city like the ruins of original Babylon could rise up to embody the characteristics of an "overnight" giant skyscraper-city as demanded by the scenario above.
But the OVERNIGHT RISE of the “Great City” is not a “missing sign” in the Bible…
We find its Fulfillment in the prophecies of the Literal City of BABYLON in Iraq (Chaldea ).
Where are we going in this study?
Until modern times, we could only see Babylon as…
1. a Giant Skyscraper City
2. an Urban-icon of accumulated Wealth
3. a Giant Portside City of world shipping
Wouldn’t it take years for Babylon to be rebuilt into a Giant city as the hub of world trade and power?
If so then, “Babylon” must be
a Super-Large, Super-Rich,
That’s called REPLACEMENT!
Remember Israel in 1948 ? Much of the Church thought it had been Replaced... by who???...
...the CHURCH !
IT DIDN'T HAPPEN! Here we go again...

Babylon’s “GREAT” is not Great Size,
1. but Great Authority...
2. embodied in its King (Rev 13:2-7)...
3. embodied—actualized; exemplified; personified; exhibited, in Babylon's chief resident— the ANTICHRIST.
4. when the Antichrist—who has been given Global Authority—looks around for a capital city, and declares, "I CHOOSE Babylon", at that very moment, virtually 'OVERNIGHT', Babylon assumes the political, military, and economic status of "the GREAT CITY". (Rev 18:10; then the Antichrist replaces Babylon's existing status as "the GREAT 'religious/harlot' City", Rev 17:18, with himself, 2 Thes 2:3-4) Thus he completes his hold on absolute Global Authority. And Babylon derives its mantle— "the Great City"—from the Authority of the Antichrist.
1. Babylon the GREAT is not required to be "GREAT BIG"
2. Babylon's WEALTH is CEDED OVERNIGHT by the NATIONS to the Antichrist, who then chooses Babylon as his capital
3. TOTAL CONTROL — “from a distance” (Rev 18:17-18), of
Western Hemisphere Ports
Eastern Hemisphere Ports

What makes "Babylon the Great" GREAT?
The “GREATNESS” of Babylon is bound to the “GREATNESS” of its Chief occupant.
1. The Antichrist has GREAT AUTHORITY over ALL
“buy & sale” actions in the economy of the entire earth (Rev 13:16-17)
2. Revelation chapter 18 is dominated by verses that refer to worldwide "BUYING & SELLING", again, controlled by the Antichrist .
3. What would happen if the Antichrist moved to ANOTHER CITY with his worldwide Authority — & thus his 'command & control center' over Buying & Selling was removed from Babylon?

What would happen ?...
Compare the Bible ABOVE, which shows all of the 24 verses of Revelation chapter 18, to this Bible on the RIGHT, where ALL of the verses referring to "buying & selling" are ripped out.
(actual 24 verses of Rev 18 are in both pics)
So again, would happen when you remove the Antichrist, along with the "buy & sell" verses, out of Revelation chapter 18 ?...
1. Babylon the Great City would be ripped out of Revelation chapter 18 !
2. To remove "buying & selling" from Revelation 18 is to remove "the great city" from Revelation 18
3. Therefore, apart from the Antichrist, Revelation 18's Babylon has no significance beyond that of any other city.
4. But if the throne-room of the Antichrist RETURNS to Babylon, global "buy & sell" authority is once AGAIN centered in Babylon, and reinserted into Rev 18, and Babylon REGAINS its title as"the GREAT CITY".

The point is
that the "GREAT" part of "Babylon the great" is NOT that it is GREAT-BIG, but that it exhibits GREAT-AUTHORITY as the Global Command-and-Control-Center of the Antichrist.
The OVERNIGHT Rise of the 'Antichrist-City' in 7 steps
—Wherever the Antichrist resides, there his Authority resides—
1. ALL Authority is given to the Antichrist by Satan. (Rev 13:2)
2. ALL Authority is bestowed on the Antichrist by the Nations. (Rev 17:13)
3. ALL International-Assets are ceded to the Antichrist by the Nations. (Rev 17:17)
4. This delivery of Global Power, Control, and Authority occurs virtually "OVERNIGHT". (Rev 13:5-8)
5. At this point, the Antichrist OWNS the Keys to ALL Authority, Power, and Control over the world. (Rev 13:7)
6. This Global Authority is embodied in HIMSELF—wherever he resides, ALL Authority resides. (Rev 13:4, 8)
7. When the Antichrist sets his throne in ANY city, large or small, reputable or insignificant, that city becomes the command and control center—the "Great City"—OVERNIGHT. (it is the Antichrist who embodies ALL Power; the city’s power, authority, and control is DERIVED from the PERSONAL POWER and AUTHORITY of the Antichrist).
In 7 parts (to follow), we will present the evidence that,
( Summary of the 7 Propositions listed below, each of which encapsulates a subject of this 7-Part series )
Babylon of Chaldea has Survived, slowly rebuilding for a thousand years, awaiting its destiny as
the Throneroom of the Antichrist, the City Chosen by HIM to enforce HIS Authority and HIS Ownership
of the Global Sovereignty, Wealth, and Trade ceded "Overnight" to HIM by the Nations;
Babylon awaits its destiny as "the Great City"—perishing with its Final Fall at the Return of Christ.
(Jeremiah 50-51; Revelation 17-18)
(The "Great" in the "Great City" is the result of its status as the base-city
for the "Great Authority" of its chief occupant, the Antichrist)
BELOW: The 7 Propositions for Each of the 7-Parts on the pages to follow
CLICK your choice below to go to that page...
1. Babylon of Chaldea (Iraq) has Survived to fulfill its prophesied date with destiny.
2. Babylon has been Rebuilding, inconspicuously, and unnoticed, for centuries.
3. Revelation's title "Babylon the Great City" does not require Babylon to be a Super-Large City.
4. The description "the Wealthy City" does not require Babylon to be a city of long-standing Wealth.
5. Babylon "the Great" does not require Babylon to be a massive Seaport City.
6. Babylon of Chaldea has not been "Replaced" any more than Israel of Mt. Zion has been Replaced.
7.Babylon, Iraq, has a Prophetic-Time Appointment that parallels that of Israel.
If the evidence sustains these 7 points, where is the need for a metaphorical Replacement to the plain, common sense, literal understanding of the word "Babylon"?
31 "You, O king, were looking and behold, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and of extraordinary splendor, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome.
32 "The head of that statue was made of fine gold [Babylon], its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze,
33 its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.
34 "You continued looking until a stone was cut out without hands, and it struck the statue on its feet of iron and clay, and crushed them.
35 "Then the iron, the clay, the bronze, the silver and the gold [Babylon] were crushed all at the same time [End Time 2nd Coming of Christ], and became like chaff from the summer threshing floors; and the wind carried them away so that not a trace of them was found. But the stone that struck the statue became a great mountain and filled the whole earth.

Praise God for the STONE — JESUS CHRIST, His coming Kingdom, and His Gift of Eternal Life for all who believe !
NEXT, part 1, "Babylon Has Survived"
My "lying eyes" & Babylon
We often hear from certain political circles (in 2022) that the economy is great, crime is under control, and the border is closed. When we say "Whaaaaaaaaat"!, that is not what my eyes see", we're told "not to believe our lying eyes".
It reminds me of the feeling I get when a Bible Study on Isaiah 13:19-20 concludes that "Original Babylon on the Euphrates River in Iraq has disappeared like Sodom and Gomorrah". That is "not what my eyes see" in light of the actual data.
I see 150-years of photographs and demographics, and I read current and historical accounts of Babylon. They clearly contradict the scene in Isaiah 13:19-20, where we read,
And Babylon, the beauty of kingdoms, the glory of the Chaldeans' pride, Will be as when God overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah. It will never be inhabited or lived in from generation to generation; Nor will the Arab pitch his tent there, Nor will shepherds make their flocks lie down there. (Isaiah 13:19-20
When I lead a prophecy study on Isaiah 13:19-20, I cannot teach what my eyes do not see. Therefore, I cannot teach...
1. that Babylon was overthrown and erased from existence like Sodom and Gomorrah,
and HERE...
2. that Babylon is without inhabitants today, remaining in that situation "from generation to generation" for centuries,
and HERE...
3. that Babylon has no Arab dwellers today, and has been devoid of them "from generation to generation",
and HERE...
4. that Babylon is without shepherds today, and has had none grazing their flocks "from generation to generation".
and HERE...
My eyes simply don't see that, either today, or throughout history "from generation to generation", as prophesied in the passage.
What my eyes do see--literally-- in both photographs and historical accounts, is human habitation and vibrant life far removed from Isaiah's description of post-'Final-Fall' Babylon.
Therefore, I must go with my eyes and conclude that, according to Isaiah 13:19-20, literal Babylon is prophetically programed to be Revived.
The GOSPEL in Revelation:
The 5th verse from the beginning,
Jesus Christ...To Him who loves us, and released us from our sins by His blood, (Revelation 1:5
The 5th verse from the end,
"... And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost." (Revelation 22:17
The Book Of Revelation, apocalyptic and foreboding, is actually "FRAMED" by the GOSPEL OF SALVATION in Jesus Christ. Here's how you can be saved...