"Live by God's Every Word"  Ma 4.4


The fact that Israel was Secure during  SOLOMON's reign is evidence that Israel, surrounded by Enemy States, can be SECURE TODAY!

The SOLOMON era is strong evidence that Israel is SECURE TODAY   Return to Main Page

Ezekiel 38-39 prophesies that In the latter years Israel will be Supernaturally Rescued from the massive Invasion of the Magog Coalition in an Event that will Magnify God’s Name across the World.

The Timing of the invasion is keyed to two (2) statements...

            1. Eze. 38:8—"After many days you will be summoned [to Israel when] …they are living securely, all of them.”   

            2. Eze. 38:11—"and you will say…I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely..."

In the Ezekiel passage, the Hebrew word for "secure" is “betach”, and for "rest" it is “shaqat”. As demonstrated in the graphs 1 below, the use of these same words elsewhere in the Bible in conditions which parallel modern Israel, show that TODAY Israel can be said to be "secure" and "at rest."

How can Israel be “Secure” with enemies pressing at its BORDERS?

                                                                                                                               The answer is found in the reign of SOLOMON

EZEKIEL 38:8’s “betach” Security    IN LIGHT OF    SOLOMON’s “betach” Security


So Judah and Israel lived in safety ["betach" Security] and ["shaqat" REST; 1 Chr. 22:9 ], …all the days of Solomon. 1 Kgs 4:25

Damascus...was an adversary to Israel all the days of Solomon along with the evil that [Edom] did...1 Kings 11:23-25

1. Since the "(betach) secure” period which existed DURING “all the days of Solomon” experienced military opposition from enemy states DURING “all the days of Solomon” (1 Kings 4:25 & 11:23-25), see below 11

2. Then the same could be true of the "(betach) secure” status of Israel in the Magog passage of Ezekiel 38:8.

It is clear from 1 Kings 4:25 & 11:23-25 that there were military operations against Solomon,see below 11 king of Israel, by Hadad king of Edom and Rezon king of Damascus DURING the time Israel lived in safety ["(betach) secure”].

“Solomon’s reign is not wholly trouble-free. In the south there is trouble from Hadad of Edom...in the north from Rezon of Damascus…”

Eerdman’s Handbook To The Bible, David Alexander, ed., Eerdman’s Publishing, 1976, p.262.

“[Hadad/Edom] began military operations against Solomon from the south…[Rezon/Damascus] became a military peril to Solomon from the north.”

Believer's Bible Commentary, William MacDonald, Thomas Nelson Publishers, 1992, p.368.

Many say, "Israel cannot possibly be "betach" Secure because they are surrounded by sworn and bitter
enemy nations who pledge to
drive Israel into the sea."

But that same condition arose
during the reign of King Solomon,
and existed "all the days of
(1 Kings 11:23-25)

Yet, the Bible says that there was
"betach" Security "all the days
of Solomon."
(1 Kings 4:25)

Israel was Secure under the Hand of God DURING intense border pressure "all the days of Solomon." This fact validates that possibility exists for Israel TODAY.

Can Israel be Secure DURING a time with Enemies Pressing at its Borders?

The Bible says, Yes--during the Reign of SOLOMON!

TODAY Israel is in the same condition (below).

“SECURE” & “AT REST” TODAY, Israel awaits its date with God's Grace

                                                                                                                        in the MAGOG INVASION of Ezekiel 38-39

The Four (4) Biblical examples in this study provide a solid rationale that TODAY…...

            1. Israel has been under (betach) SECURITY since 1948, protected through multiple “miracle-wars” (EXODUS example) from the brink of annihilation amid the on-going shadow of enemy terrorists states (SOLOMON example).

            2. Israel has experienced a series of (shaqat) RESTS between these wars at a level which has permitted Israel to fortify as an “armed camp” (ASA example) and become a world-class socio-economic super-state while under the ever-present shadow (JUDGES example) of another war. The SECURITY of Israel TODAY is a sign of the imminent fulfillment of Ezekiel 38.

3. The Reign of SOLOMON is 1 of 4 Old Testament eras that witness to Israel's Security TODAY. All 4 Old Testament Security-eras in this study are highlighted in bold in numbers 1 & 2 above; follow the links to them get the full scope of this study. (But it's best to START with the Main Page which provides a Summary Introduction