About Us
We are a Bible Prophecy teaching ministry, respecting prophecy 'As Written' in its straightforward, plain and literal meaning. Jesus used the term, or a variation of the term, "It is written", 38 times—the Apostles and New Testament writers 73 times.
We are committed to teaching Bible prophecy as it was intended when given...to testify to and glorify Jesus Christ—"AS WRITTEN".
We have no other agenda from our Lord except to live and walk according to the Word that we teach—God's Word AS WRITTEN.
Jesus, the Name Above All Names
The Bible declares that the one and only true God 1, existing in the persons of the Father2, the Son3, and the Holy Spirit4, has revealed Himself in these last days to mankind5 through Jesus Christ6, who is God the Son7, and through His spoken Word8. The Bible affirms that Jesus Christ is the Center of All Things9, being the source of all that exists10, the measure of all knowledge11, and the judge of all good and evil12.
Jesus is our Lord13, Savior14 and Deliverer15, our only way to salvation16
The Bible teaches that the Law of God, being perfectly righteous and true17, leads us to the knowledge that we are dead (separated from God) in our sin18; none of us is righteous19; we cannot save ourselves20; as a consequence, we are in need of a Savior21.
The Bible proclaims the good news that by believing in Jesus Christ-alone, the Son Of God, who died for our sins and was resurrected from the dead22, apart from any self righteous efforts on our part23 we are saved through faith-alone by grace-alone in Christ-alone24, with full assurance into eternal life.25 We are then enabled by the power of His Holy Spirit to love26 as He commanded us27 by “living by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God,”28 and to live in the “blessed hope” of His Second Coming29 when He will establish His everlasting Kingdom30.
And Jesus Christ declares that the Bible centers on Him and is true31, and He proved it by His life and resurrection from the dead32.
1. Mk 12:29
2. Ma 28:18-20
3. Ma 28:18-20
4. Ma 28:18-20
5. He 1:2
6. 2 Tm 1:10
7. Jn 20:28-29
8. 2 Pe 1:21
9. Ro 11:36; Ep 1:10;
10. Cl 1:16; Jn 14:6c
11. Cl 2:3; Jn 14:6b
12. Jn 5:22; Jn 14:6a ; Cl 1:9-10
13. Ro 10:9
14. 2 Tm 1:10
15. Ps 50:15
16. Jn 14:6; Ac 4:12; 1Tm 2:5
17. Ro 7:12
18. Ro 3:19-20; Ro 7:7
19. Ro 3:23
20. Ga 2:16; Jn 6:28-29
21. Jn 8:24
22. Ro 10:9; 1 Co 15:3-4
23. Ep 2:8-9; Tt 3:5
24. Jn 3:16
25. 1 Jn 5:13
26. Jn 14:16-17; Jn 15:5; Ga 5:22
27. Jn 15:12; 1 Jn 3:23
28. Ma 4:4
29. Tt 2:11-13 (first, the pre-tribulational Rapture, 1 Th 4:13-18,
and second, the premillennial return to the earth, Re 19:11-21)
30. Da 7:27
31. Lk 24:27; Jn 17:17; Jn 12:48
32. Ac 1:3; Ac 17:31