Rome Awaken — IRON & CLAY Daniel chapter 2
"Then there will be a fourth kingdom as strong as iron; inasmuch as iron crushes and shatters all things, so, like iron that breaks in pieces, it will crush and break all these in pieces.
"And in that you saw the feet and toes, partly of potter's clay and partly of iron, it will be a divided kingdom; but it will have in it the toughness of iron, inasmuch as you saw the iron mixed with common clay.
"And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of pottery, so some of the kingdom will be strong and part of it will be brittle.
"And in that you saw the iron mixed with common clay, they will combine with one another in the seed of men; but they will not adhere to one another, even as iron does not combine with pottery.
"And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, and that kingdom will not be left for another people; it will crush and put an end to all these kingdoms, but it will itself endure forever. (Dan 2:40-44)
The Revival of the Roman Empire will be a recognizable rebirth of the original Roman Empire which included both Europe and the Mid East. This is what the statue in Daniel 2 depicts.
Just as Bible believers looked for the fulfillment of the prophecies about the rebirth of Israel to occur within the recognizable land of Israel (Eze. 37:15-22, the 2 “sticks”) , so too do we look for the prophecies predicting the Revived Roman Empire to occur within the recognizable landscape of the original Roman Empire (Dan. 2, the 2 “legs”). That Empire spanned both Europe and the Middle East.
ROME, AWAKEN! Embedded in the Euro-Mideast Nations, Awaiting Revival
1. The Roman Empire was composed of 2 parts, East & West.
●The achievement of the ancient Romans was to unite the entire Mediterranean Basin into one polity. An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 38.
●“In AD 293, Emperor Diocletian decided...to shift the center of the Roman Empire to the east. The new state, [was] known as the Byzantine, or Eastern Roman Empire…”
Random House Encyclopedia. James Mitchell, ed. Random House, New York, 1983, p. 1056
●Constantinople [in the EAST] after 340 CE became the major seat of the Roman Empire.
An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 39.
●... Rome had acquired an empire in the east as well as in the west. The Mediterranean had become a “Roman lake.” Oxford Visualized World History, Philip Dorf, Oxford Book Co., New York, 1958, p. 47.
●To simplify government, he [Emperor Diocletian] divided the Empire into East and West—each portion administered separately. World History Review Text, Irving L. Gordon, Amsco , Inc., New York, NY, 1973, p. 55.
●...the Roman Empire was divided into two parts: the West governed from Rome and the East governed from Constantinople.
World History Review Text, Irving L. Gordon, Amsco , Inc., New York, NY, 1973, p. 78
RIGHT: Eze. 37:15-22, the 2 “sticks”
depict the restoration of the
northern & southern kingdoms
of Israel— in the Last Days
(pre-fulfillment in 1948)
territory of ancient Israel.
The same recognizable landscape
of the ancient Roman Empire is
likewise where we should expect to see
both the Western & Eastern sectors of the
Revived Roman empire emerge in the Last Days.
RIGHT: EUROPE... Only HALF of the Roman Empire;
The Revived Roman Empire will not be "Euro-centric" or "Islamic-centric", but rather it will be "Roman-centric", i.e., BOTH West & East—as was ancient Rome.

ABOVE: The Statue of Prophetic Kingdoms
of Daniel 2—EUROPE AND The MID EAST...
The WHOLE Roman Empire

2. In the WEST, the Roman Empire has CONTINUED ‘in limbo,’ suspended within the “IRON”-dominated nations of Europe for 15 centuries, It is AWAKENING today in the form of the European Union. Note below the perpetuation of the WESTERN Roman Empire in the historical record by the underlined notations.
● “The German rulers saw themselves as the heirs of Rome.” The Illustrated History of Europe: A Unique Portrayal of Europe’s Common History. Frederick Delouche, ed.Barnes & Noble Books, New York, 2001, p. 84
● “In Europe...the Roman tradition was modified rather than supplanted by the imposition of rulers of Germanic origin...” Compact History Of The World, Geoffrey Parker, ed., Barnes & Noble Books, 2001, p. 41.
● “Charlemagne unified western Europe & recreated an equivalent of the old Roman Empire…[his coronation by Pope [Leo III ] made him legally heir to the western Roman emperors.”
Random House Encyclopedia. James Mitchell, ed. Random House, New York, 1983, p.1067.
● “The Roman tradition of unity had never completely died out…. the Pope [Leo III] hailing Charlemagne as “Emperor of the Romans. Thus was revived a title which, changed later to “Holy Roman Emperor,” was to last until 1806.”
Oxford Visualized World History, Philip Dorf, Oxford Book Co., New York, 1958, p 74
● “The Holy Roman Empire was a successor state to the empire founded in 800 by Charlemagne, who revived the title of Roman Emperor in the West.”
The New Columbia Encyclopedia. William H. Harris and Judith S. Levey, eds. Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1975, p. 1259.
● “[At first, the Holy Roman Empire] had become known as the Roman Empire--it acquired the ‘Holy’ prefix in 1254... the Holy Roman Empire was the dominant power in Europe for most of the Middle Ages.
A Short History Of The World, Alex Woolf, Metro Books, New York, NY, 2008, p.108.
● “The very name of the Holy Roman Empire recalled the unity which ancient Rome gave to the classical world fifteen centuries earlier.”
An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 67-68.
● “1000 AD—The Byzantine and Holy Roman empires are at their peak.
Atlas Of World History, John Haywood, Fall River Press, N.Y., 2009, Timeline 3.02.
1957—2015 The UNIFICATION OF EUROPE (West Roman Empire)
● “The European Economic Community is created.
● “The European Union expands to 28 nations & moves toward political and economic union.
Atlas Of World History, John Haywood, Fall River Press, N.Y., 2009, p. 6.05 & Timeline 6.05.

3. In the EAST, the Roman Empire CONTINUED as the Eastern Roman, or Byzantine Empire for a FULL 1000 YEARS after the Western Empire broke apart. REVIVING today in the form of the “CLAY”-dominated Nations of the Muslim Middle East, the Eastern Roman Empire has been given a WAKEUP CALL with the formation of the MEDITERRANEAN UNION —modeled after, and driven by none other than The EUROPEAN UNION.
Note below the perpetuation of the EASTERN Roman Empire in the historical record by the underlined notations.
293—1453 AD The EASTERN ROMAN (Byzantine) EMPIRE
● “The Byzantine Empire was the direct political heir of Rome.”
World History To 1648, Harper-Collins College Outline Series, p.149
● “Throughout their history the Byzantines described themselves as Romans, and saw their empire as the continuation, without break, of the Roman Empire.”
Philip’s Atlas of World History. Patrick K. O’Brien, Gen. Ed. Octopus Publishing Group, London, 1999. p. 66.
● “...the Byzantines continued to think of themselves as Romans, until the final fall of their empire...in 1453.”
Atlas Of World History, John Haywood, Fall River Press, N.Y., 2009, p. 3.15.
● “[Roman emperor Constantine] named his capital [at Byzantium] New Rome.”
The Mainstream of Civilization to 1715. Joseph R. Strayer and Hans W. Gatzke. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Inc., New York, 1979, p. 109.
● “... the Roman empire became an eastern, Greek-speaking state--normally known...as Byzantium.”
Compact History Of The World, Geoffrey Parker, ed., Barnes & Noble Books, 2001, p. 48.
● “Constantinople [Byzantine Empire] after 340 CE became the major seat of the Roman Empire.”
An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 39.
● “the Ottomans had changed from a nomadic horde to the heirs of the most ancient surviving empire [Byzantium] of Europe.”
The New Columbia Encyclopedia. William H. Harris & Judith S. Levey, eds. Columbia University Press, New York and London, 1975, p. 2031.
● “[The Ottoman’s] achievement was to reunite the [Byzantine] empire under a single sovereign.”
Random House Encyclopedia. James Mitchell, ed. Random House, New York, 1983, p. 1108.
● “[At the end of WWI the] Ottoman Empire was divided up by the British and French into mandates and protectorates [Syria, Iraq, Transjordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Egypt], with Turkey emerging as an independent successor state [to the Ottoman Empire].”
An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 115.
● “Turkey [today has] special status as a member of NATO [western alliance] and a bridgehead to Europe.”
An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p. 124.
These “breakout” nations are identified with the 6 eastern “heads” (kingdoms) on the “beast” of Revelation (see The Assyrian Connection, Prescott Press, Lafayette, LA, 1993)

The Iron & the Clay—Clash of Civilizations
4. The Revived Roman Empire is symbolized in Daniel 2:41-43 as a mixture of IRON & CLAY cultures which exist at the End Time in a comingled, but unmixable relationship.
The Roman Empire was the “IRON.” The “CLAY” is introduced into the Iron Empire, but cannot mix, or cleave, remaining divided from the IRON. (Dan. 2:43) This inability to intermix & assimilate signifies a Clash of Civilizations (“seed of men”, Dan. 2:43). The people & culture of Roman Heritage, and the people and culture of Muslim Heritage, though mixed & mingled together, cannot form a true mixture together. They remain divided by fundamental & irreconcilable world view differences. History and current events amply testify to that situation in both Europe and the Mid East.

RIGHT: Muslim “No-Go Zones,”
where Sharia-law neighborhoods
exists in Europe, actually zoned &
are isolated within some cities.
Daniel 2's "Iron & Clay" of unmixable
(non-compatible) cultures
is superimposed on the actual
European "protest" sign to
highlight the emerging prophetic
fulfillment of Daniel 2:41-43.

WEST— (Middle Ages till Today)—Muslim Clay ‘Mixes’ Into European Iron
In the 16th and 17th centuries the Turks [Ottoman Muslims CLAY] advanced deep into central Europe [IRON]. World History Review Text, Irving L. Gordon, Amsco School Publications, Inc., New York, NY, 1973, p. 81.
TODAY—European nations are absorbing MUSLIM-CLAY immigrants who do not assimilate into European Culture in a phenomenon called THE ISLAMIZATION OF EUROPE.

EAST—(1800s till Today)— Europeans and European Influence [IRON] Come to the Middle East [CLAY] (‘Essentials’ (below), Subtitle; p. 26)
Western [IRON] influence began to penetrate Egypt...; Britain...ruled Egypt in...1914, when it took over total control...Persia was one of the first Middle Eastern [CLAY] countries to become a pawn of the Western [IRON] powers. Essentials Of World History, Revised Ed., Jean Reeder Smith & Lacey Baldwin Smith Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., Woodbury, NY, 1980, p.26-29.
By 1900, the Ottoman empire [CLAY] had become "the sick man of Europe," an invalid state financially under Western [IRON] control; the only reason it was not totally in Western hands was because the Europeans could not decide how to divide it up. Essentials Of World History, Revised Ed., Jean Reeder Smith & Lacey Baldwin Smith, Barron’s Educational Series, Inc., Woodbury, NY, 1980, p. 23.
Napoleon’s 1797 invasion of Egypt was another forewarning of European [IRON] ambitions to take over the Ottoman [CLAY] lands...Britain...[introduced] Western-style changes in education, finance, government and the military. A Short History Of The World, Alex Woolf, Metro Books, New York, NY, 2008, p. 214.
[Mustafa] Kemal aimed to make Turkey [CLAY] a progressive, Westernized [IRON] nation. The caliphate and Moslem religious orders were abolished...Sunday became the legal day of rest. The Western calendar, the Latin alphabet... [was] adopted. Oxford Visualized World History, Philip Dorf, Oxford Book Co., New York, 1958, p. 278.

BELOW—The Roman Empire in “Limbo”... —Awaiting Revival—
Charts visualizing the above "staying-power" of the ROMAN EMPIRE throughout history (precisely as prophesied in Daniel 2 & 7, and in Revelation 17.

ABOVE: The ‘WESTERN Leg’ Roman Empire Continues to Exist Throughout History. The ROMAN EMPIRE was Embedded in Successor States throughout History—REVIVING TODAY. TODAY— the ROMAN EMPIRE is SUSPENDED within EURO-MIDEAST NATIONS, (but still existing) UNTIL THE END TIME.
The ‘EASTERN Leg’ Roman Empire also Continues to Exist Throughout History within the various kingdoms & fiefdoms.
The Iron (Roman)—Clay (Muslim)
“Mix” Through History
The Roman Empire “IRON-CLAY Mix”
Through History—Reemerging TODAY
(but still existing) UNTIL THE END TIME
This Un-mixable admixture of disparate cultures is written in the world's historical record, but was first recorded in the prophecies of the Book Of Daniel.

RIGHT: This Chart illustrates the history of not only the Eastern-CLAY invasion into IRON-Europe during the Middle Ages & the Modern Era, but also the Western-IRON intrusions into the Eastern-CLAY countries.
Historically, up until TODAY, it is all part of the

—The Arabs [Muslims] ...seized Syria, Palestine, Egypt and Libya from the Byzantine Empire.
A Short History Of The World, Alex Woolf, Metro Books, New York, NY, 2008, p.118.
— In 1453, the Ottomans [Muslims] captured Constantinople and thus ended the Byzantine Empire.
A Short History Of The World, Alex Woolf, Metro Books, New York, NY, 2008, p. 125.
—By 1900, the Ottoman empire had become "the sick man of Europe," an invalid state financially under Western control; the only reason it was not totally in Western hands was because the Europeans could not decide how to divide it up
Essentials Of World History, Revised Ed., Jean Reeder Smith & Lacey Baldwin Smith, Barron’s Educ Series, Inc., Woodbury, NY, 1980, p. 23.
—Napoleon’s 1797 invasion of Egypt was another forewarning of European ambitions to take over the Ottoman lands... Britain...[introduced[ Western-style changes in education, finance, government and the military.
A Short History Of The World, Alex Woolf, Metro Books, New York, NY, 2008, p. 214.
—As dictator-president, [Mustafa] Kemal aimed to make Turkey a progressive, Westernized nation. The caliphate and the Moslem religious orders were abolished...Sunday became the legal day of rest. The Western calendar, the Latin alphabet...[was] adopted.
Oxford Visualized World History, Philip Dorf, Oxford Book Co., New York, 1958, p. 278.
—The Treaty of Versailles, drawn up in 1919, created a series of new nations but much of this process can also be viewed as the disintegration of the Ottoman Empire...The old Ottoman Empire was divided up by the British and French into mandates and protectorates, with Turkey emerging as an independent successor state...” An Atlas Of World History, Gerald A. Danzer, Borders Group, Inc., Ann Arbor, MI, 2000, p.114-15.
—British occupations, protectorates, mandates, Egypt, Iraq, Palestine, Jordan
French mandate, Syria... at the breakup of the Ottoman Empire through WW 2.
—Europeans and European influence come to the Middle East [1800s-WWII]...Western influence began to penetrate Egypt...Britain...ruled Egypt in all but name until 1914, when it took over total control...Persia was one of the first Middle Eastern countries to become a pawn of the Western powers.
Essentials Of World History, Revised Ed., Jean Reeder Smith & Lacey Baldwin Smith, Barron’s Ed Series, Inc., Woodbury, NY, 1980, p.26-29.
—Turkey [became] a modern, westward-looking country...Islam was disestablished as the state religion; Islamic law was replaced by a new code based on European models...
Eastern countries to become a pawn of the Western powers.
Essentials Of World History, Revised Ed., Jean Reeder Smith & Lacey Baldwin Smith, Barron’s Ed Series, Inc., Woodbury, NY, 1980, p.26-29.

If this situation today is not Daniel’s IRON-CLAY final stage in the making, there will arise another scene that looks just like it. Watch for an Eastern Leg in the Revived Roman Empire.