To Receive Newsletters, E-mail Studies, U-Tube Studies (very good graphics),
Annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference info, etc....
SUBSCRIBE below... no cost
If you want to receive our free Monthly Prophecy Teaching Letter, just write that on a sheet of paper, include your name and address, and send to: Bible Prophecy, P.O. Box 14575, Tulsa, OK 74159
Jesus says in Matthew 24:25 "Behold, I have told you in advance." From Genesis to Revelation God gives us the gift of a view into the future. Fulfilled prophecy provides the assurance that as yet unfulfilled prophecies will yet be fulfilled just as accurately, literally and completely. Jesus teaches us that when we see the fulfillment of these prophecies, we are to "recognize that He is near, right at the door [of returning]." Matthew 24:33
Bible prophecy testifies to and glorifies Jesus Christ. We will not forget that. Articles will be devoted to the accuracy of the plain, normal and literal text of the Bible, with Jesus always at the center. They will be long on accuracy to the straightforward sense of the meaning, and short on speculation and sensationalism. The bottom line message of Scripture, that Jesus Christ is God the Son and the Way, the Truth and the Life, and the only way to God the Father and Eternal Life, will always be at the forefront of Bible Prophecy As Written.
Believe that Jesus Christ is the only-begotten SON OF GOD who DIED to save you from your sins and who ROSE FROM THE DEAD that you can have Eternal Life.
If you simply BELIEVE IN JESUS as your Savior, then you will be saved. (John 3:16; Acts 16:31)

The 2025 16th Annual
May 16-17, 2025, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills
1902 E. 71st St., Tulsa, OK (866-530-3760)
The Darkening Foreshadows
of Coming Events
Overcome by “A Great Light”
In These Prophetic Times
Matthew 4:16; 2 Peter 1:19)
and Today’s Events
”the Name Above Every Name”
(Phil 2:9 ; Zec 14:9; John 14:6; Acts 4:12; Eph 1:21)
And the LORD will be king over all the earth; in that day the LORD will be the only one, and His name the only one. (Zec 14:9)
Why I Stand With The BIBLE On ISRAEL
click the Bible on right→
for a PDF download, then click on the download drop-down menu icon
Israel & the Land...Hamas & the Koran
PDF...click Bible-icon on right →
for a PDF download, then click on the download drop-down menu icon
for a graphic POWER-POINT study of
"The Thessalonian Prophecies"
The Apostle Paul's deep look into Bible Prophecy
"The Emerging-Converging Signs"
DATES for 2024 (easy to remember "FIRST THUR OF EACH MONTH", unless notified otherwise)
Dec 5, Jan 2, Feb 20, Mar 6, Apr 3, May 1
Eastwood Baptist Church, (enter the door that has the Hispanic Church sign)
949 S. 91st E. Ave.
(11th St. between Memorial & Mingo)
Tulsa, OK
Doors open at 6pm--coffee and snacks.
Study starts at 6:30pm.
These studies are non-speculative, short on "sensationalism," long on solid-BIBLE... bring your Bible and expect warm fellowship (snacks, coffee-tea) and plain-stated study made easy to understand by Graphic Power Point visuals.
ALL VIDEOS for the 2024 Conference are now up
on the PARTNER-PORTAL page for Partners Only...
please contact us to become a PARTNER bibleprophecyaswritten@gmail.com
From the Prophecy Retreats—The Thessalonian Prophecies
are now up on Video...HERE
ALSO: We will be sending out our YOUTUBE studies EVERY FEW WEEKS. If you have not signed up, submit your email address on the SUBSCRIBE (free) at top of this page.

Will BABYLON Be REBUILT in the Last Days?
Will the literal city of Babylon, in modern Iraq, be Rebuilt? Is Babylon, Iraq, that "great city" of "Babylon" mentioned 5 times in Revelation 18? Will original Babylon rise up again to exist as the leading city of the Antichrist at the End Time?
There is
that NOT ONE of six (6) prophecies about Babylon in the Old Testament has ever been fulfilled. To fulfill these prophecies, Babylon must rise up again, just as Israel rose up again to fulfill the prophecies of the Jewish return to that land in the Last Days.

We lift up the Name of JESUS as the ONLY Name...
"And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men, by which we must be saved."
Acts 4:12
If God leads you to help this ministry spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we have provided two (2) ways...
1. PAY PAL right (click "Donate")
1—send to,
Bible Prophecy
P.O. Box 14575
Tulsa, OK 74159
2—send or email your address to us & we will send you 12 self-addressed
return envelops. Email to
You Gift is very much needed, and very much appreciated !
Thank you,
Bible Prophecy As Written
NOTE: In 2010 we chose to step away from our
17-year long 501C-3 status.
This removed any official "oversight" of how we teach the
The Bible teaches many things that are not "politically correct" today!

Jesus says in Matthew 24:25 "Behold, I have told you in advance."
These "ADVANCE" prophecies are End-Time events which signify the time of the Return of Christ is near.
As such, they are "SIGNS"...
... and they are just as obvious and recognizable as everyday weather patterns in the sky. (Mat 16:1-3)
Jesus teaches us that when we see the fulfillment of these prophecies, we are to "recognize that He is near, right at the door [of returning]." Matthew 24:33
Our World, DANIEL, and the END of the AGE (click here — companion video)
Then the mystery was revealed to Daniel in a night vision.
Then Daniel blessed the God of heaven...
there is a God in heaven who reveals mysteries, and He has made known...
what will take place in the latter days. ... what would take place in the future;
Daniel 2:19; 28-29 A Prophecy emerging in our world TODAY!
the Russian Invasion NEXT?
Are Today's Events lining up with the Biblical prophecies of The Russian-Islamic invasion of Israel predicted in Ezekiel 38-39. A KEY prerequisite to the "Magog Invasion"--Is Israel "secure" today, as it must be before that invasion occurs?
The Israelites are trapped. The Red Sea is before them; the Egyptian army is behind them. Fear mounts. Threats loom large. The Egyptian attack is imminent. (Exodus 14:10-15) Yet Psalm 78:53 says, using the Hebrew word "betach," that Israel during the Exodus is secure because GOD IS THEIR SECURITY.
Ezekiel says the same thing about ISRAEL TODAY regarding the coming "Magog War."
When Will Israel’s “Exceedingly Great Army” Conquer “all the surrounding peoples”?... MORE here

All Glory to God—Success!
at the 2024
The 15th Annual MID-AMERICA
"All Things Written About Me
“...all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses
and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." (Luke 24:44)
May 24-25, 2024, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills
ALL Conference VIDEOS available to Ministry Partners—DETAILS HERE