Two points need to be said.
1. John MacArthur's Bible notes DO say that Lot (note on 2 Pet. 2:7-8), Samson (note on Jud. 16:29-30), and Solomon (note on Ecc. Intro) were saved. He must, because the Bible says that. But his own Bible notes are glaringly clear that they could not have been saved by his 7-Point "terms" that define his Unfinished Gospel.
2. John MacArthur's 7-Point "terms" are alien to the Finished Gospel. But they are absolutely Biblical if applied to their proper category—Your Race (sanctification, discipleship) to Your Finish Line. They are the expected fruit ("works", MY PART enabled by the Holy Spirit) of an already saved person who should strive to walk as a mature disciple in close fellowship with his Savior.
As for Lot, Samson, Solomon — and yes, me — we are singing God's praises now and forevermore, because through Christ Jesus, "where sin increased, grace abounded all the more" (Romans 5:20) — Grace only made possible by what Jesus did on the cross that enabled Him to declare...
"It is finished" (John 19:30)