Brigitte Gabriel
BRIGITTE GABRIEL is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living in an 8x10 underground bomb shelter from the age of 10 until 17 years old. She lectures nationally and internationally, and her expertise is sought after by world and business leaders. Ms. Gabriel moved to Israel in 1984 and became a news anchor for “World News,” an evening Arabic news broadcast for Middle East Television seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Her work of international scope has brought her in contact with world figures such as Margaret Thatcher, George H. Bush, Queen Nour El Hussein, Itzhak Rabine, and Shimon Perez. Ms. Gabriel immigrated to the United States in 1989 and founded a television production and advertising company. Her clients included ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery, TLC, History Channel, CNN, the Oprah Winfrey show, 20/20, World News Tonight, and Good Morning America just to name a few. She has addressed the United Nations, Australian Prime Minister, members of The British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, The Pentagon, The Joint Forces Staff College, The US Special Operations Command, The US Asymmetric Warfare group, the FBI, and many others. In addition, Gabriel is a regular guest analyst on Fox News Channel, Newsmax, OAN, and many American and international media outlets worldwide. Ms. Gabriel is the Founder and Chairman of ACT for America, the largest national security grassroots organization in the U.S. with over one million members. She is a NYT best-selling author of three books the latest is “RISE” In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom. Ms. Gabriel was knighted in Europe in 2016 and became “Dame Brigitte Gabriel”. She is named one of the top 50 most prominent speakers in America. She speaks Arabic, French, English, and Hebrew.
Get Ready...Getting Close !
The 15th Annual
"All Things Written About Me
“...all things which are written about Me in the Law of Moses
and the Prophets and the Psalms must be fulfilled." (Luke 24:44)
May 24-25, 2024, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills
REGISTER BELOW... (note the 4 Ways)
SPECIAL NOTE: The SPECIAL Conference Registration & Hotel Room RATES have been
MAY 17
1. By MAIL: Mid-America Prophecy Conference, P.O. Box 14575, Tulsa, OK 74159
3. By EMAIL: bibleprophecyaswritten@gmail.com
4. By INTERNET: www.bibleprophecyaswritten.com (Pay Pal...below)
is now much more simple & easy ...HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL SEE WHEN THE PAY PAL SCREEN COMES UP
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Marriott Tulsa Southern Hills Hotel... below
This is the Prophecy Conference with the reputation for non-speculative,
Bible-first teaching!
Make this your "Bible Prophecy VACATION" ...
… set aside by so many for the past 13 years.
The coming of Jesus Christ is in the very near future judging from the explosion of End Time signs gushing forth from the big-screen on your home TV. Join us for this annual Conference, which has a reputation as one of the best in America—solidly grounded in What The Bible Says!
The strong Bible study is linked together with warm fellowship. Seating with classroom tables (for your Bible, water, note pad) in a large auditorium provides for maximum comfort. Anticipate sharing the Word with some of today’s most highly regarded prophecy teachers. But most of all, know that the focus of this Conference is on the Grace and the Glory of Jesus Christ.
...site of the Annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference
Event Summary:
Mid-America Prophecy Conference May 24-25, 2024
Special Rate Start Date: Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Special Rate End Date: Tuesday, May 28, 2024
Last Day to Book: Friday, May 10, 2024
Hotel offering your special group rate:
Marriott Tulsa Hotel Southern Hills for 112 USD per night
Book your group rate for MidAmerica Prophecy Conference May2023
TROUBLE???...call directly, "front desk, guest services"...918-493-7000
Right: The 14th Annual 2023
(this 2024 Conference is #15 in a succession of 30 Prophecy Conferences in Tulsa, one of the longest running in America; though the 2020 Conference was cancelled due to COVID, we consider it our 13th Annual since everything was ready & people were registered right up until the last 10 days when COVID dictated a shutdown of all public events. In essence, 2020 became a "remote-learning" Conference because we moved forward by publishing some of the 2020 Conference teachings on YouTube, this Website, & Email-Teaching sends.)
ABOVE: Large Auditorium, Classroom Tables, 3 Giant Screens, Book table resources & Starbucks right outside the auditorium doors.
Look at the comfortable & useful setting enjoyed by all !
is a leading commentator on politics, culture, and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living in an 8x10 underground bomb shelter from the age of 10 until 17 years old.
Ms. Gabriel moved to Israel in 1984 and became a news anchor for “World News,” an evening Arabic news broadcast for Middle East Television seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Her work has brought her in contact with world figures such as Margaret Thatcher, George H. Bush, Queen Nour El Hussein, Itzhak Rabine, and Shimon Perez.
Ms. Gabriel immigrated to the United States in 1989 and founded a television production and advertising company. Her clients included ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery, TLC, History Channel, CNN, the Oprah Winfrey show, 20/20, World News Tonight, and Good Morning America. She has addressed the United Nations, Australian Prime Minister, members of The British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, The Pentagon, ETC. In addition, she is a regular guest analyst on Fox News, Newsmax, OAN, and more. Ms. Gabriel is the Founder and Chairman of ACT for America, the largest national security grassroots organization in the U.S. with over one million members. She is a NYT best-selling author of three books including “RISE” In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom. Ms. Gabriel was knighted in Europe in 2016 and became “Dame Brigitte Gabriel”. She is named one of the top 50 most prominent speakers in America.
Dr. Andy Woods is the Pastor of Sugar Land Bible Church, Sugar Land, TX. He has earned Th.M., J.D., Ph.D. degrees.
Andy became a Christian at the age of 16. He later graduated with High Honors earning two Baccalaureate Degrees in Business Administration and Political Science (University of Redlands, CA.), and obtained a Juris Doctorate (Whittier Law School, CA), practiced law, taught Business and Law and related courses (Citrus Community College, CA) and served as Interim Pastor of Rivera First Baptist Church in Pico Rivera, CA (1996-1998).
In 1998, he began taking courses at Chafer and Talbot Theological Seminaries. He earned a Master of Theology degree, with High Honors (2002), and a Doctor of Philosophy in Bible Exposition (2009) at Dallas Theological Seminary. In 2005 and 2009, he received the Donald K. Campbell Award for Excellence in Bible Exposition, at Dallas Theological Seminary.
In addition, he has authored and contributed to many Christian books and theological journals and speaks on a variety of topics at Christian conferences and churches. His book The Coming Kingdom is a classic, and more recently his highly regarded book "The Middle East Meltdown: The Coming Islamic Invasion Of Israel".
Andy has been married to his wife Anne since 1998 and they have one daughter, Sarah.
J. B. HIXSON https://www.notbyworks.org/
J. B. Hixson is a nationally known author, speaker, and radio host, with more than thirty years of ministry experience in the pastoral and academic arenas. Recognized for his expertise in systematic theology, Dr. Hixson has a passion for communicating important theological truths from God’s Word in a clear and easy to understand way. Dr. Hixson has served on the faculties and adjunct faculties of nine colleges and seminaries.
J. B. earned his B.A. degree from Houston Baptist University, Th.M. degree from Dallas Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. degree from Baptist Bible Seminary. He has authored ten books and contributed to many theological journals, magazines, newspapers, and other print and online media. His articles have been featured on Harbinger’s Daily, and he is a regular guest on Stand Up for the Truth radio with David Fiorazo and the Christian Underground News Network podcast with Curtis Chamberlain.
When he is not traveling for speaking engagements, he is in the pulpit at Plum Creek Chapel in Sedalia, CO where he serves as the Lead Pastor.
J. B. and his wife Wendy have been married for thirty years and have six children and one granddaughter.
Biblical Discipleship Ministries is a teaching and discipleship ministry for the purpose of bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to the world. God has called Dr. Jobe Martin and his wife Jenna Dee Martin to travel, teach, evangelize and disciple people in all walks of life. Their two daughters, Taryn and Mirren, are ministry associates.
Jobe is a a 1966 graduate of the University of Pittsburgh Dental School which eventually led to two years in the Air Force where he was the dentist for the Presidential flight crew of Air Force One.
He is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a Masters in Theology, and from The Institute for the Creation Research’s School of Biblical Apologetics with a D.Min. Jobe and his wife Jenna Dee founded their creation discipleship ministry, Biblical Discipleship Ministries, based on these life experiences which he refers to in his book called
"The Evolution Of A Creationist"
As a result of that ground-breaking book, he is an outstanding and much sought-after creationist scholar.
Wayne Dartez
is the senior pastor of Victory Baptist Church in Lake Charles, LA. He has hosted a number of Prophecy Conferences at Victory Baptist featuring some of the best known Bible prophecy teachers.
Wayne not only speaks on the subject of Bible prophecy at these conferences, but has also been a featured speaker at similar prophecy conferences hosted by other churches. He was a speaker at The Mid-America Prophecy Conference at the 2017 Tulsa meeting.
Dr. Dartez's ability to discern Biblical truth and speak it faithfully is a hallmark of his ministry and has been a blessing to many. His church founded and conducts its own 1st grade through senior school. Perhaps the greatest blessing of his ministry to others is his active faith in the fruit-bearing Power of prayer before our Lord Jesus Christ!
Phillip Goodman bibleprophecyaswritten.com
is the founder and president of Bible Prophecy As Written, a Bible Prophecy ministry dedicated to encouraging and strengthening faith in Jesus Christ. He is the producer and Bible teacher on the television programs, "Prophecy Watch" and "Bible Prophecy As Written".
Phillip is the author of The Assyrian Connection, The Sequence Of End Time Events., and When Your Loved One Goes To Heaven, and a contributing author to the books Piercing the Future, Prophecy At Ground Zero, Revelation Hoofbeats, One World, Frightening Issues, The Departure, The Lawless One, Living On Borrowed Time, Deceivers, and Discerners.
Phillip is the founder and sponsor of the annual Mid-America Prophecy Conference, one of America’s premier Bible prophecy conferences. He and his wife Mary, who was born and raised in Bethlehem, Israel, have four sons.
(Shawn also handles stage & AV management) A Special "thank you" to our videographer, Dan Belcher
ABOVE: Together they make beautiful music to the Lord.
You don't want to miss the powerful & glorious rendition of "Midnight Cry" by Shawn at the Confer
BELOW: Alison & Shawn at Center Fork Baptist Church in Hot Springs, AR,
LEFT: Shawn and Alison Crane have been singing together for over 30 years. They have been happily married since 1996.
Shawn has been serving the Lord and his churches as a pastor and worship leader since 1992. He joined the staff of Center Fork Baptist Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas, in 2012, where he serves as Worship Pastor.
Alison has worked with choirs and drama ministries for more than 30 years. She is currently working as Family and Consumer Sciences Agent for US Department of Agriculture, University of Arkansas Extension in Garland County, AR.
Shawn and Alison have led the worship at the Mid-America Prophecy Conference since 2004.
Their missionary and music ministry has led them to sing in the U.S., Canada, Greece, Italy, Russia, Romania, Turkey, Spain and Israel.
Shawn & Alison have three grown children and son-in-law and a daughter-in-law that they love very much.
Psalm 104:33
is the theme verse for their lives:
"I will sing to the Lord all my life;
I will sing praise to my God as long as I live."
— Abbreviated Schedule —
"All Things Written About Me
May 24-25 , 2024
Friday 9am-9pm ... Saturday 8:30 am-3pm
Full Schedule BELOW...
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