The "Magog" (Russian-Islamic) Invasion Of Israel
A documented Biblical TIMING
NOTE ON TIMING BELOW: This is a Scriptural process-of-elimination. Each of the most often cited times for the Ezekiel 38-39 Russian-Islamic Invasion of Israel --except for one--can be eliminated by at least one clear contradiction with other Bible verses where the timing of an event is known.
The only one which cannot be so eliminated is the timing of the Ezekiel 38-39 invasion at the start of, or just prior to, the 7-year Tribulation Period.
Will the Magog Invasion of Israel occur at the END OF THE MILLENNIUM?
LEFT: Note this equally strong statement below that Israel's conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ (the only Name by which we may "know" God and be saved; John 5:23; 1 John 2:23; Acts 4:12) BEGINS as a result of this great miracle-war of Ezekiel 38-39,
"And the house of Israel will know that I am the LORD their God from that day onward."
(Eze 39:22)
Will the Magog Invasion of Israel occur at the BEGINNING OF THE MILLENNIUM?
Will the Magog Invasion of Israel occur at the END OF THE TRIBULATION?
Will the Magog Invasion of Israel occur at the MIDDLE OF THE TRIBULATION?
Will the Magog Invasion of Israel occur at the START (or perhaps just prior to) THE TRIBULATION?
Current-Age, God-enforced SECURITY [Hebrew "betach"] is a Guarantee of Divine safekeeping/preservation extending over times of both War and Peace. Israel has been in this defeat-proof condition through a series of "Miracle-Wars" since 1948. More here...
If "security" in Eze 38:8 has in view "man-based security", then it would refer to the Dan 9:27 "covenant" struck with Israel by the Antichrist. However, since all of the other Eze 38:8 events which must be in place BEFORE the Magog attack are GOD-BASED events (Jews regathered to Israel, "gathered from nations", etc.), then we would expect the "betach"-security ("living securely") of Eze 38:8 to also be a GOD-BASED event. As such, Israel has been in this defeat-proof condition through a series of "Miracle-Wars" since 1948.
The period just before--or at the start-- of the 7-year Tribulation has no contradictions, and two strong agreements, that favor Eze 38-39 occurring at this point.
1. Israel is living in God-based security. MORE here... and here
2. The only other mention of an end-time 7-year period, apart from the Tribulation period mentioned in Dan 9:27, is mentioned in Eze 39:9.
Daniel 9:27 and Ezekiel 39:9 both see the final 7-years of Daniel 9's "70-Weeks" Prophecy, which leads to the Salvation of Israel.
MORE on the relationship oF the 7 year timeframes of Ezekiel 39:9 and Daniel 9:27 in NOTES BELOW
Based on the Scriptural evidence, BOTH the RAPTURE and the MAGOG-INVASION are Imminent. That means either one could occur at any time—or even at the same time. There are no signs which must first be fulfilled before either event can occur. They are both pre-tribulation or tribulation ("jump-start") events.
1. RELATIONSHIP OF 7-YEAR TIMEFRAMES OF Ezekiel 39:9 to Daniel 9:27
Since seven years is the only time remaining on the prophetic clock of the Jews, then the seven years mentioned in Ezekiel’s prophecy must signify that period, especially since both Ezekiel and Daniel portray it as the seven-year time of the restoration of Israel to God and Messiah Jesus.
Ezekiel saw the beginning of the process with the destruction of Gog at the start of the seven years, resulting in the spiritual awakening of the ‘first-fruits” 144,000 Jews (Eze. 39:7; Rev. 7:4; 14:4). Daniel saw the culmination at the end of the Seventieth Week, when “all Israel will be saved” (Dan. 9:24, Rum. 11:26).